Have you ever thought about having high speed in your company’s data processing without the need to invest an exorbitant financial resource? Have more security in the storage and backup of files? The Cloud for companies is the most technological and current option in the market, where in a practical and objective way your business can grow a lot in a short time.
The concept of Cloud or cloud computing as it is also known, is linked to the use of processing, memory, calculation capacity and storage of servers and computers that are interconnected through the internet. This concept is based on a principle known as grid computing.
In this way the Cloud is nothing more than a storage and processing of data, through services that can be accessed from anywhere on the planet, at any time that is convenient, through a remote system over the internet.
Thus, technology allows access without the need to install programs and invest in “heavy” hardware and / or software for your company’s purposes.
Cloud for your company
Who can better define what the application of the Cloud will be for your company is an IT manager. When hiring this professional, he will analyze the corporate environment, with the mission of identifying the needs of the company, applying technology in the exact and crucial points of his business.
Usually the area where Cloud technology is well applied is in relation to servers.
Turning local servers into something virtual (in the cloud) is an investment that, in addition to leaving your business less vulnerable, improves the ability to manage tools, improves the protection of infrastructure and data storage and in the short and long term generates cost savings, as there is no longer a need to invest high amounts in physical hardware and software.
Cloud Storage
The term Cloud Storage, where the tools have the function of facilitating the work of data storage, is also another very important function for the short-term growth of your company.
With this function applied in your company, IT professionals can execute tasks and projects with greater ease, obtaining total control of the interaction with files in a super secure environment.
Cloud, a more secure environment
Famous companies such as Google, Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure, which are providers of public cloud services (services usually run over the internet), invest heavily in infrastructure items, platform improvement, standardization, connectivity and support for control and storage data is always very secure and consistent.
Not to mention that just as technologies evolve for good, there are also those who work to take advantage of technology gaps. In this regard, companies are also always investing in new updates, which are available in commercialized packages.
IT managers perform updates easily and maintain the quality, performance and security of your company’s data and tools.
Top questions you should ask a potential Cloud Services provider.
Cloud deployment models
There are currently three main models of Cloud applications. This varies according to the needs of each company. The type of business process, the desired vision, the way information is shared, can be the factors that will define the Cloud deployment model.
The three main models are:
- Private Cloud
- Public Cloud
- Hybrid Cloud
In summary, Private Cloud, or so-called private clouds, are the models that were built for a single user and / or company. It is an exclusive model, where he has total control of his applications.
The Public Cloud, on the other hand, is the one offered by companies such as Google, Amazon AWS and Microsoft, where services are made through a network open to public use, through the internet. In this case, the users’ applications are intertwined in the storage system of these companies, where although it seems fragile it is also a very safe environment.
Cloud Hibrido is a service that unites the public and private models. A private service may have its resources extended from the resources of the public cloud.
The advantage of this service is to keep the systems balanced even if there are rapid fluctuations (waves).
Currently, cloud computing technology is present in more than 50% of companies. And is yours already part of this reality? Contact us.