In modern times we live remote work, which is also known as home office, has become increasingly common and important for society.
Even at home, there is a need to stick to schedules, respect lunch hours and attend any meetings.
Remote work was even more evident in the face of the new Sars-Cov-2 coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19), where workers who manage to perform their duties through a computer and internet connection, were transferred to the safety of their homes, in order to stop the spread of the virus.
The home office showed its importance in the face of this quarantine period. The use of Cloud Computing technology has become paramount in this case.
But what are the best tips for doing good remote work and maintaining a company’s operations directly from your home? It is about this subject that we will talk today here on the blog of One Cloud Solutions.
Remote work in emergency situations
With the coronavirus crisis we discovered that most companies were not ready to migrate their entire operation to the home office and this created a series of difficulties so that there would be no layoffs or even to control a possible bankruptcy due to lack of production.
In an emergency situation like this, remote work has several advantages, mainly in relation to cost reduction, increased productivity, sequence of operations and the guarantee of physical integrity of workers.
But adapting to this graduate overnight is not easy. Your company must have the right tools so that the work can be done remotely.
Google and the ideal tools for the home office
To be able to work at home in addition to the computer and the internet, you also need some tools, including Google Drive and G Suite.
These Google tools allow for more qualified work and faster actions for workers. Know a little more about them:
Google Drive
In order to store and share files in the cloud, Google Drive is the best indication. With it you can store files and documents in a safe and accessible environment for everyone in an organization.
With easy access and the possibility of editing for authorized persons, remote work ends up being much faster and more effective.
Cloud consulting and support, an inevitable need.
G Suite
Now a super-complete tool for home office work is the G Suite. It is a complete package of applications in the cloud capable of managing any business remotely.
In G Suite you can work with Google Docs, Google Slides and Google Sheets. They allow collaborative file creation and editing.
Communication is also a key factor in the home office and the Google application suite also includes the famous Hangouts to make audio and video calls, in addition to Google Calendar, which allows scheduling meetings, events and a complete organization of activities .
Google Hangouts
This application is for you to connect from anywhere in the world at any time with the work team through a computer or mobile device. Make a video call to mature ideas, work on collective projects, hold meetings and even close contracts without having to be in person in an environment.
You can also present slides, documents and even record your conversations so that people in other time zones can watch them later. The tool allows the activation of subtitles for those who have special needs or who are not in an environment where the emission of sounds is allowed.
Google Docs
How about remotely editing documents, presentations, spreadsheets and other company files and still sharing them with the rest of the team? They will also be able to make edits and you won’t have to send dozens of emails to handle attachments.
This tool is Google Docs, where Documents, Spreadsheets and Presentation can be edited with other people in real time. It is possible to chat through the files and receive information directed to each of them.
All changes are automatically saved, so team members always access the most up-to-date versions.
Ease with documents
Docs is linked to Drive. With it you can store, share and access team resources from anywhere in the world. By saving the files to Drive you can share and make them available instantly.
All files that undergo changes are presented to the rest of the team.
These documents can be accessed from any device at any time. But for the changes to be validated you need an internet connection.
Advantages and disadvantages of Cloud for companies!
Coordination of plans and schedules
One of the difficulties of remote work is keeping track of team schedules and other projects. Changes to deadlines and tasks that are included at the last minute end up complicating the life of those who do home office.
But Google allows everything to be organized through Google Sheets. Team members anywhere in the world will be able to update progress in real time and everyone can keep up with these changes without having to keep looking at emails all the time.
This makes it easier to distribute tasks and manage possible changes over the days in relation to projects. It is a way of having responses in real time and optimizing the work team.
Benefits and more benefits
All Google cloud applications bring great benefits to a company, especially in relation to remote work. All information is centralized and you have a complete view of everything that is happening.
With this information, it is possible to organize the sales, inventory, financial sector, do the company’s accounting and also understand the relationship with customers without having to spend hours trying to find answers. Everything is in one place.
Migrate your company to the Cloud. Contact us: [email protected]